Monday, July 6, 2009

The Power Hour

One of many time managements that I have come to practice is called a Power Hour. I have heard it several times, and I advocate this over and over. If you somehow have a lot of tasks to do that you need to check off your list, a power hour is a good way to manage that. It is where you are able to check off 5 or more things in your to do list in an hour. It helps when the tasks are less than 20 minutes. So, here’s what you need to do…

Pick out 5 things in your to do list: one that takes 20 minutes, four that takes 10 minutes. For example, it takes you 20 mins. to clean the bathroom, 10 mins. to load and unload laundry, 10 mins. to unload and load the dishwasher, 10 mins. to clean the kitchen and 10 mins. to vacuum the house. In an hour, you have done your chores.

You can also vary it to 30/10/10/10 or 20/20/20 or 20/10/30 or make it all 10 minutes…The idea is to be able to accomplish a bunch of tasks in one hour. You may also use it to your job searching strategies: 20 mins. to submit your resume for a job, 10 mins. to search and make a connection with the company you just applied at, 10 mins. to blog and tweet about your experience, 10 mins. to update your profile on LinkedIn and 10 mins. to update your website. No matter where you use it for, you want to make sure you are utilizing that hour to the fullest…after all time is something you can never take back, right?!

The difficult part about this is discipline. There are a bunch of distractions, and you just have to keep focus. When you designate 10 minutes to answer emails, stick to it…don’t end up surfing a bunch of videos on YouTube 20 mins. later. Be true to yourself. You are robbing yourself of that time rather than checking off another task in your to do list. Keeping a timer would help (that kitchen timer is not just for baking any longer). The beeping or bell will help to remind yourself to move on to the next task.

Tip: Keep a log and use a timer to measure how long a new activity/task is. In the future, you’ll know how long it will take you to finish that task which will make planning much easier for you.

Try it out. I would love to hear your feedback on how successful you were and the challenges you faced…

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